Medicaid of Illinois is requiring doctors to register NPI numbers
Medicaid of Illinois Health Insurance currently requires providers to report a one digit payee code in the Billing or Pay-To-Provider Loops. This one digit payee code designates the appropriate Pay-To-Provider.
Illinois Medicaid is now requiring medical providers to register their NPI numbers associated with their designated Payee ID's. They will soon be transferring their software to accept the NPI number in lieu of the 1 digit payee code.
If you are a medical provider and bill to Medicaid of Illinois Health Insurance you should immediately register your NPI number for each designated payee number. You can register the NPI number at either website:
After the NPI information is registered with the HFS, the Payee NPI can be reported in the 837 (electronic medical claims) and DDE transactions. Also, after the NPI number has been registered you can start billing your medical claims using the NPI number and the 1 digit Payee ID will no longer be required.
The deadline for registering and using the NPI number is March 1, 2009. Any claims submitted electronically not using the NPI number will be rejected.
Register now to prepare for these changes by March 1, 2009.
Medical Billing and Coding Tags: Medical Health Insurance, Medicaid of Illinois Health Insurance, Medicaid NPI updates, Medicaid Payee one digit updates, New change over, New Medicaid of Illinois deadlines, Electronic Claim Denials for invaid NPI number, update, switch over, electronic
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