Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to email Medicare with Personal Health Information

Well, to begin with you should know straight off to never send Patient Health Information by email especially to Medicare since this is a HIPAA issue. However, Medicare breaks it down by additional information that they request doctors/billing services please do not send through email. Also find out what information you can send by email so Medicare can find your patient.

Do not send the Beneficiary's Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN)
Do not send Protected Health Information (PHI)


  • Patient Name
  • Patient Date of Birth
  • Patient Social Security Number
  • Patient Medicare ID#

What to send to Medicare through Email:

They ask that you please only send the ICN or Internal Control Number for the claim in question. This is all of the information WPS Medicare requires in order to find the patients information on their side.

Please do your part to protect your patients health information.

Additional Medical Billing and Coding questions are answered here: Online Medical Coding and Billing Courses

Key Tag Words: Medicare, WPS, Claims billing, Medicare Part B, Tip of how to email Medicare, Tips, Ideas, Suggestions, HIPAA security through email, Medicare emails and what you can send them, how to email Medicare, what information you can email Medicare, what information you cannot email Medicare, Health claims, Claim questions, status of claims, how to work with Medicare through email, what information Medicare needs to process email requests, send correct information to medicare through email, medical billing services, medical offices, providers, physicians, facility billing, health billing, medical billing, medical facilities, Medicare part B claim billing, medical coding and billing schools online, medical billing classes online, online medical billing school, medical billing and coding courses online, courses online, medical billing classes, chiropractic software, online courses medical billing, medical office billing software, medical coding schools, medical coding courses, on line medical billing, medical billing programs, , medical billing and coding online, medical billing certificate, medical billing systems, medical billing system, electronic medical claim billing, chiropractic practice management software, medical practice management system, medical practice management software,

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